Who are we?
Established in 2009, Unsung is a trusted cyber security advisor who has provided best in class PKI solutions to both public sector and private clients.
As specialists in PKI, we are able to provide a wide range of support and advice based on your requirements. We are zero trust solution providers and operate on the principle of never trust, always verify.
Whether you’re a start-up or an established organisation, we can assist with:
- Providing an assessment of your current PKI environment and recommending how this can be improved.
- Designing, building, installing, and managing a range of PKI solutions.
- Providing guidance on all aspects of the transition to post-quantum cryptography.
- Integrating solutions with existing infrastructure.
- Advising on industry best practice with industry experts available to guide and assist by offering best in class advice and solutions.
Our global team are leading experts in operational and compliance competencies for enterprise-wide PKI cryptography solutions.

Why choose us?
Any modern business, especially those handling sensitive personal information online, needs a robust security system in place.
Unsung does this using PKI – a framework that enables the secure exchange of information, protection of sensitive data, and identity assurance.
PKI uses digital certificates to provide unique, verifiable identities for users, devices, and applications – almost any asset within your business.
As specialists in PKI and the authentication of data you can be assured of:
Innovation & agility
You will receive innovative agile solutions that are at the forefront of emerging technologies in the digital trust and identity management space. Think post-quantum cryptography ready!
Accelerated implementation
We work with you to understand your current PKI environment and provide you with a road map to achieve rapid outcomes that are focused on your requirements and help you to streamline your processes. No bureaucracy, no time-wasting, just straight to the point without diminishing security.
Efficiency through automation
Automate manual PKI certificate management processes, reduce downtime, decrease errors and reliance on siloed institutional knowledge. Secure digital resources utilised in Infrastructure as Code (IaC) solutions.
Secure by design
Our experienced team designs solutions that bring back ownership and control of the management of your digital certificates.
On premise, cloud-based services, or hybrid, we provide a PKI authentication solution built to your requirements.
Cost optimised
Reduce management costs and overheads by creating efficiencies within your business.
Why PKI technology?
PKI (Public Key Infrastructure) underpins the security of multiple technologies.
Its use:
- Helps to protect sensitive data by providing an additional layer of security.
- Enables companies to protect their brand reputation by reducing the risk of breaches.
- Assists businesses to comply with data privacy regulations, such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).